The Annual
Cluster Retreat

January 24-26, Twin Lakes Bible Camp


About The Retreat

Join us for a great getaway to build relationships and build one another up


Twin Lakes Bible Camp


Friday to Sunday
January 24 - 26

Resources & Links

Additional information and links that may be useful


Watch a movie before the retreat

Instructions from Bob:

Hey everyone! Now that we're through the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, we're starting to ramp up for our annual retreat! Can you feel the excitement?!

In preparation for the retreat, we have an assignment for you! Not to worry, it's a really easy assignment: watch a 1 hour and 41 minute movie before the retreat. Easy peasy!

The title of the movie we'd like you to watch is Bruce Almighty.

This is by no means a "Christian movie." It's also not a family movie. It's rated PG-13 for language, suggestive content and crude humor. I strongly advise you to review the Parent's guide on IMDB and decide for yourself if you want any of your kids to watch it with you.

So why are we asking you to watch this movie before the retreat? While I doubt the writers of the movie intended to convey a Christian message, I believe that, whether it was their intent or not, they included a depiction of a "conversion" experience in the main character that captures the essence of a true conversion to the Christian faith.

Our hope is that we'll be able to use this depiction to stimulate a discussion at our retreat about what it means to fully submit our lives to God's will. We'll see. Worst case, I think it's a fairly fun movie that you'll enjoy. 🙂

We’re also including a few questions for you to ponder as you watch the movie (attached). Nothing too heavy, just some things to stimulate your thinking.

Let David or me know if you have any questions or concerns.


  1. In the first part of the movie, what are the things that Bruce believes give meaning to life?
  2. What are Bruce’s misconceptions about how God works? What’s the basis of his conclusion that God hates him?
  3. What’s wrong with the way Bruce initially responds after being given God’s powers? What changes in his perspective after the riot and his subsequent meeting with God (at about 1:16 in the movie)?
  4. What’s one word that you think best describes the change in Bruce in his "conversion" experience (when he kneels in the middle of the highway in the rain - starting at about 1:26)?

Lodging Costs

If the cost is too much we have some scholarship options available. Please talk to your church leader.

Lodge - Single - 2 Nights

(Total lodging cost for both nights)

  • Separate men's and women's rooms
    • twin bunk beds
  • Community bathrooms
  • Bring own bedding & towels

Lodge - Family - 2 Nights

(Total lodging cost for both nights)

  • Private bedroom
    • 3 bunk beds, some with a twin over double
  • Community bathrooms
  • Bring own bedding & towels

Inn - Family - 2 Nights

(Total lodging cost for both nights)

  • Private bedroom
    • 1 double bed & 3 twin beds
  • Private bathroom
  • Bedding is provided but bring towels

Meal Cost

We will have a special celebration supper Saturday night. There will also be a food signup to provide for our other meals.

Adult - $8

Ages 12 and up

Youth - $5

Ages 5-11

Kids - FREE

Ages 0-4

Retreat Schedule

Here is a Calendar Event to get the whole event on your calendar!


Head to the dining hall to drop off food and get your welcome packet.

Soup Supper (Old dining hall)

Enjoy delicious soups at your leisure

Singing together (Northwoods room)

AN extended time or singing together. Look for a request form to come out soon.

Breakfast (Old dining hall)

Fuel up for a full day!

Morning Session (Northwoods room)

Singing & discussion

Free Time

Rock climbing, face painting, crafts, chess

Lunch (Old dining hall)

Refuel for the afternoon

Outdoor Activities (The Lake)

Tobogganing, ice skating and broomball

Afternoon Session (Northwoods room)

Singing and discussion

Dinner (Old dining hall)

Delicious special dinner

Indoor Activties

Minute to win it games

Late-Night Activties

Archery tag, volleyball, 9 square, board games, etc

Breakfast (Old dining hall)

Fuel up for the final morning!

Final Session (Northwoods room)

Singing, discussion and prayer

Pack & Cleanup

Leave it like we found it!

Pickles Pub Lunch

Optional family lunch on the way home

Retreat Venue

Retreat venue location info and gallery

Twin Lakes Bible Camp

Just 1.5 hours from Ames. The perfect weekend getaway.


I love it! I want to go for two weeks!!

I’m ready for the climbing wall!

It's the best weekend except for dad's snoring!


  • Of course, just get there whenever you can.

    • Whatever you need to stay someplace for a weekend
    • The food you signed up to bring
    • Cold weather gear if you want to play outside
    • If you are staying in the Lodge you need to bring bedding and towels
    • If you are staying in the Inn you need to bring towels


Talk with your church leaders, ask in the WhatApp group, or contact Beth Dear with any questions.